Awards and achievements

1-For play "melting pot" of six awards at the level of the Republic: three awards in acting, in Scenography Award for the artist Mr. Sobhi El-Saied, and the directing prize for his biography .

2-- The opening presentation at the Festival Theatre Clubs No. 21 2002 Hanager, and for display on a special prize of 2000 pounds.

 3-Make an offer for opening the first session of the National Theatre Festival representative of the General Authority for Cultural Palaces, view the "Doll House" Theater of the Republic on 07/01/2006 - Cairo. 

4 - get to view "A Doll's House" on the three awards in the National Festival of Theatre: In the representation of the artist in front of faith, and Scenography of the artist Mr. Sobhi, and directing to his CV.

5 - participated in the fourth session of the National Theatre Festival, introduced the "hairy ape"

American writer, "Eugene O'Neill", and made the offer on the stage of the peace on 8, 9 July 2009 and was re-presented to the Grand Theatre Opera House in the closing ceremony of the festival after winning five awards. A:

Best view at the level of the Festival, Best Director for the artist
Sapphire beauty, best decorations, Mr. Subhi El-Saied artist, best lighting of the artist Mr. Sobhi, Best Drama dynamic "equally" by the artist Mohamed Mezo.